What's Impact Hub?

Impact Hub is one of the world’s largest networks focused on building business communities for a large-scale impact: home to innovators, dreamers and entrepreneurs who are creating tangible solutions to the most urgent problems of our time.

Want to know what impact looks like?

Let’s break it down:


Recognize and support social innovators and create a network that promotes a collaborative system, to address and solve the environmental and social challenges of our age, both locally and globally.


Value spaces, people and ideas to carry out initiatives with a strong social and environmental impact.

Deliver services and attract resources to promote positive and measurable change in Sicily and the Mediterranean.

Enable public, private and third sector actors to recognize, address and solve social and environmental challenges.



We believe in others and their ideas: we share and value positive intentions and actions.


We have dare to undertake the less-traveled routes: we take inspiration from the teachings of the past to carry forward innovative solutions.


We consider collaboration the central element to solve the complex issues of our time. Diversity is welcome and encouraged: it favors the hybridization of knowledge and skills and is necessary to create growth and value.